. random eats #6: cooking all day .

Just another random post of my eats on Sunday. I was in my room most of the time, so I got the chance to cook! I miss having a kitchen, and using my mini camping stove lessens the pain of not having any direct heat to cook with.

P1000573I woke up a little later than usual (9-ish?) and for some reason I decided to eat pasta. I just used  leftover “mac-n-cheez” sauce made with butternut squash, potatoes, and spices. Maybe it’s the addition of bell peppers (bad idea) or not enough nutritional yeast, but I didn’t get that cheesy flavor. It didn’t matter, because I never liked mac-n’-cheese anyways. It was still super creamy and filling though, especially with the lentil penne.

P1000580As a post-workout meal I enjoyed a huge bed of fried rice. I just love looking at this photo because of all the colors~ It was actually half veggies, half rice. I’ll probably post a recipe for this :).

P1000584For dinner, I got a little lazier. I just cooked off tempeh marinated in gochujang sauce on quinoa and roasted asparagus.

P1000587And to end off sweet, I had a little portion of Nature’s Path Blueberry Flax cereal and some plain soy milk. I know some people think it’s unreasonable to call cereal dessert, but please— I can eat cereal anytime, any day. And I find it so enjoyable that it can be dessert if I want it to be.

I was shocked that I hit my protein goal so easily today (78 grams)! I’m a girl of small frame, so this is the high-end, but I’ve been trying to eat more protein since I workout more often. My goal is to hit 20 grams per meal (more or less), so hopefully I can keep up with this!

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